Saturday, January 29, 2005


Linux: Live CD

(..back from a week long vacation...)
Linux Live CD has been around for quite a while now. There are at least 200+ linux based Live CDs.

Now, why live CDs? Here's what it says on the Slackware site... "Imagine the ability to boot your favorite Linux distribution whether you are at home, at school, or at work. Imagine walking on the street and carrying the only thing you needed in life - the 8cm compact disk with your Live Linux CD. Wouldn't you want to experience such a feeling? :-)"
(I just remembered, before Live CDs I used to have that Linux in a Floppy. I just can't find it) :P

I'm using the one from Slackware 185MB (now SLAX But the old one I got still doesn't have a apache (web server) on it. But now there are a lot of modules you can download.

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